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Our most important goal is to present and pass on to everyone the mixtures and extracts of long-known but only recently used medicinal mushrooms - black hoof (Ohňovec), maitake, reishi, ABM.

Our medicinal mushroom extracts show positive effect:

  • as the supplementary treatment for the oncology treatment of cancer diseases
  • in case of stomach and intestinal problems
  • in strengthening the immune system
  • in improving Alzheimer's disease, in the treatment of metabolic syndrome and in other fields

We highly emphasize the importance of prevention. Our ARIES product family bears this goal in mind fcuing on the main target group- the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating mothers and so on.

Our products help:

  • the family's source of vitamins
  • the reduction of menopausal symptoms
  • the treatment of prostate problems
  • a healthier lifestyle in old age
  • prevention of osteoporosis, strengthening the bones

Without exeption, their effectiveness is demonstrated by long research and clinical studies.


Medical mushroom extract

Aries product
